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Stein's Visit (the grease tiger)



It was December 8th when Stein arrived in Revelstoke. I was, / am, always glad to see ol’ Steiner Reiner’. We had been on a tag-team-tear for the entire time we had worked together. The “Invincible Liquor Duo” is what they would have called us if we were professional, or at least semi-professional, wrestlers. All the same, my body was still trying to recover from moving itself 5000km across the country after having spent the last six months travelling all over hells creation. Whatever though. Steiner is a bulldozer of a hype-man. He is down for shannanigans at all times. The day Stein arrived we spent the better part of 6 hours in downtown Kelowna. Grateful Dead inspired cheap booze, followed by a blacked out Blacked Out show. In the boozy chaos that ensued Stein acquired the nickname “Grease Tiger”, or “The Greasy Tiger” depending on how you were encountering him.


For the next 10 days, or however-the-fuck long Stein stayed for, it was a constant bombardment of skiing all day and smashing jaeger and fists at night. To this day I am still making up for the ass I was during his visit.


But I tell ya what, for those 10 days, not Stein, not I, not anyone we met along the way, gave two fucks about tomorrow or what it might bring. Just straight living in the moment for whatever cheap shitty thrills you can find.

About this blog

This blog is intended to be a unfiltered, unadulterated, narrative non-fiction of my experiences. The opinions and stories expressed here may not always be tasteful or even fair, but they will always be true. If it's a greasy story I will make an attempt to hide someone's identity. But be fairly warned: if we are getting greased together, then everything that goes down is fair game for this blog. Everything else will depend on how well I remember it and how, or if, I can tie it back into a decent enough story worth writing about. Whatever happens I promise to try and keep this blog interesting, relevant and up to date.


"If I go, I'm going out shameless"

 - Gregory Alan Isakov

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